Do You Know How to Spot Difference between CBD Oil and CBD Tincture?

Most of the CBD consumers prefer to ingest cannabinoid orally by using certain CBD infused oil. Most of you must be aware about these CBD products contained in small bottles having a glass dropper with different concentrations and they are called tincture, while all others are called as oil.

As such, both CBD oils and CBD tinctures are considered most effective as well as fast-acting products of CBD available in the market. You can use them in a number of ways like oral administration and also as topical. You can add in your serums, creams or even baths.

CBD liquid product can also be added to foods and drinks while cooking as well as sprinkling few drops in prepared meal or smoothies.

However, people mostly use the terms “tincture” and “oil” interchangeably and tend to believe that both are the same products. Though both the forms may have similar properties, but there are few factors which distinguish these 2 liquids.

If you want to buy either CBD oil or CBD tincture from online then try to visit the website where all kinds of quality CBD products are available.

Let us try to understand the difference between these 2 versions of CBD.


Basic distinction is about the component’s formula used in each product. Tincture usually has alcohol base and also contain essential herbs, vitamins, sweeteners, along with essential oils e.g. basil and lavender.

Often few companies sell their tincture as CBD oil which can be misleading. Usually, tinctures may have about 0.25 – 3% of actual CBD in its composition.


Some people may prefer CBD tinctures rather than CBD oils because of added flavoring which hide CBD’s earthy taste. However, choice of product always remains an individual preference. Few also prefer no flavoring and have no problem with taste of original CBD oil while CBD tinctures are having variety of flavors.

CBD content

While manufacturing CBD, oils are used for extracting the compound, but for tincture production, whole plant has to be soaked. While soaking entire plant, the ingredient will get formulated in the composition of final CBD product.

For extraction of CBD oil, CBD will be isolated as individual will like to avoid THC.

Potential uses

Usually, most users prefer sublingual intake of tincture to increase bioavailability. Both CBD tincture and CBD oils are used topically, but CBD oil is usually more preferred for skin use as additional components present in CBD tinctures may cause skin irritation.

Either oils or tinctures can always be added to food, beverages but CBD tinctures has alcohol base, which may often be unpleasant for people who prefer more wellness properties.

Also, CBD oil can always be inhaled, but CBD tinctures are unsuitable for vaping.

Shelf life

Usually, CBD tinctures have more shelf life than traditional CBD oil.


Bioavailability of CBD tinctures is higher because of alcohol presence, and hence enters your bloodstream more quickly, but they include CBD of lower potent levels than CBD oil.


Price of CBD infused product will be based on concentration, strength, extraction method, and few other essential factors. Roughly prices of either CBD oil or tincture are almost the same. High-quality CBD oil may however be little more expensive.

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